Installation + Takedown Guidelines


  • Center of work must be at 56″ from the floor
  • No candles, flames or burning of materials of any kind.
  • Flammable liquids and other hazardous materials are not permitted in your work.
  • No live animals or insects are permitted in your work.
  • Do not obscure or remove fire extinguishers, signage, security phones or any other safety equipment. These must be visible and accessible at all times.
  • Do not cover or enclose the access to the electrical panels in any space.
  • No installations are to be hung from pipes, duct work, sprinkler heads or light fixtures. Only structural pipes are to be used for suspending work.
  • No installations are to be located at or within door entrances, elevators, stairwells or fire exits.
  • Do not suspend or hang work upon or through the light wells/atriums.
  • No installations are to be located in washrooms.
  • No installations are to be hung upon, or interfere with, any support beams or ceiling panels.
  • No unauthorized lighting fixtures (clamp lights, etc). Get permission before using specialty lighting of any kind.
  • No installations are to compromise university HVAC systems.
  • Install work only on walls with plywood backing. (Please see map)
  • Screws must pass through drywall into plywood wall, and not enter beyond 30mm. No nails. Consult plywood wall map on information white board on each floor or with a Technician if not sure.
  • Do not use permanent felt markers or pens on walls as they bleed through the paint and are difficult to cover.
  • Walls are painted with (Dulux) flat Latex, obtainable from the Tool Crib. You are not allowed to paint the walls other than the approved white at Tool Crib.
  • When painting walls, use painters tape and drop sheets to keep the area clean.
  • Do not paint or alter any of the following: light switches, electrical outlet covers, fire pull stations, room numbers, doors, windows, floors, thermostats, security phones, door jambs, baseboards, lights or light fixtures, air ducts, fire extinguishers, water fountains, wooden or metal beams, floors and carpets, thermostats, ceilings, temperature controls, metal corner guards.
  • Tools for installing your work are available at the Tool Checkout + Resale, but it is recommended to provide your own in case there is high demand for certain tools.
  • All installation related painting or spray painting must be done in any of the 3 ventilation booths in the school. 1st floor C1290 by the Tool Checkout, 3rd floor C3226 through room C3247 attached to the Design Woodshop, 4th floor A4016 near Print media.
  • REMEMBER: you are responsible for restoring the space back to its original condition once you take down your work at the end of the show. Plan ahead for this necessary step. Technicians will take care of patching holes and doing paint touch ups. 


Use of Drywall

Drywall use is prohibited. Speak to Technical Services for alternate materials.

Exhibit Lighting

Media Resources cannot accommodate exhibit lighting beyond the primary setup.

Exhibitions with Electric Components

Installation with electric or electronic components, or special lights, should have an on/off instruction sheet. Ensure that the process of turning the work on and off is as simple as possible, and that it is accessible to the monitors but secured from public interference. Past experience has shown that pieces containing electrical power and/or electrical equipment are often cause for concern. Therefore, students wishing to utilize electrical power/equipment in their piece are requested to seek the assistance of Technical Services to ensure that their piece is not dangerous. If an extension cord is to be used, it should be capable of handling the power of the electrical load. Any artwork or exhibit found to be unsafe will require modifications defined by the Safety Committee; should it prove impossible to make the piece safe it will be removed from the exhibition.

*220 volt electrical power is not available for any exhibits or artwork.


Film and Video Work

Any students who are screening film and video work as an installation within a gallery context must work in consultation with faculty and technicians who will outline deadlines and completion dates. Dynamic Media students will consult with DM faculty and technicians; ART students will work with gallery techs:

Bringing Your Own Audio/Visual Equipment

Some students may decide to bring or rent their own equipment for the Exhibition. There are two points to consider:

  • Security (see below)
  • The operation of your equipment. While the show is running, CTS will operate your equipment. You must also provide any remote controls for equipment you bring in, and extra copies of any removable media such as DVDs or USB drives. This allows the monitors to properly keep your piece(s) running for the duration of the show.

Please note:

  • Media Resources can only support DVDs in NTSC, Region One format. Blu-Ray discs must be Region One. Digital media to be played on media players must be in MPEG-4 H264 format.  See the Exhibitions with Computers section for more details.
  • Media Resources does not supply power cords, connection cables, or headphones.



This is a concern for everyone, not just those who bring their own equipment. As with the regular school term, you are financially responsible for the cost of any theft of, or damage to, any ECU equipment in your possession. If you provide your own – or rental – equipment, ECU will not be responsible for any theft of, or damage to, this equipment.

Pre-Installation Notes

Students whose works and labels are not completely installed by the deadline indicated in Dates + Deadlines will have their work removed from the exhibition. Any installations/exhibits that are deemed unsafe by the exhibition committee and facilities will be removed from the exhibition unless modifications are made to comply with requirements:

  • The floors will be polished before installation begins. Therefore, do not drag heavy things across the floor as this will leave marks on the floor.


Takedown Notes

You may be personally responsible for helping to remove your exhibit and any labels, hardware, or other elements that were utilized or applied for the installation of your work. The work will otherwise be dismounted and be ready for pick up by you. Refer to Dates + Deadlines and watch out for e-mails for more info.

Note: Any screws, staples or hooks must be removed.
Holes and paint touch ups will be done by University technicians.
Tool are obtainable from the Tool Crib on a first-come, first-served basis.
All school equipment must be returned.

Any work still on campus after the exhibition takedown dates will be removed and/or disposed of. If you are not personally available to take your work away during the takedown dates, please make arrangements accordingly. Emily Carr University reserves the right to dispose of any works remaining on campus after the show’s listed take down dates.