General FAQs

Q: What is the Grad Show? Can I exhibit if I’m not graduating?

The Grad Show, otherwise known as Degree Exhibition, is a moment for all graduating students to celebrate their time and work at Emily Carr. This is not a year-end show for all students to showcase their work.


Q: Who is in charge?

All members of the Grad Show Committee can be approached with queries. They will be able to direct you to the appropriate person to answer your question if it is not addressed in this online resource. A contact list of committee members can be found here. Please contact the appropriate person.

Students should consult their faculty up to the end of the spring semester. Committee members are not available for specific advice on the creation of your work. Their role is to manage the exhibition details, supervise the installation of the show and ensure its success.


Q: Do I have to exhibit? If I have completed my graduation requirements by the end of Fall semester, do I still have to exhibit in the Grad Show?

Mandatory participation in the annual Grad Show Campus Exhibition applies to Master of Fine Arts and Master of Design Graduate students. Voluntary participation in the annual Grad Show Campus exhibition applies to Bachelor of Fine Arts undergraduates, Bachelor of Design undergraduates and Bachelor of Media Arts undergraduates. All students are strongly encouraged to put their works up on The Show website in order to be eligible for Grad Awards.


Q: When will I know if I am actually graduating?

The grad show is part of your graduation experience, but the committee does not do work relating to Graduation requirements or Convocation. Any questions about Graduation requirements should be directed to Academic Advising in the Student Commons.


Q: How many guests can I bring to the Convocation ceremony? Can I buy extra tickets?

The grad show is part of your graduation experience, but the committee does not do work relating to Graduation requirements or Convocation. For further information about the Convocation Ceremony please visit the graduation hub on, any questions should be directed to Student Services.


Q: How can I find out if I qualify to win an award?

Information about awards can be found on Any questions on awards can be directed to Eva Bouchard:


Q: I won’t exhibit on campus, how do I get my ECUAA welcome gift?

Students who are unable to stop by the Grad Help Desk during the exhibition installation dates will have an opportunity to pick up their ECUAA welcome gift the week following convocation. Information about these dates and times will be sent to email addresses.