Exhibition Considerations

All students planning to exhibit on campus will need to conduct an evaluation of their submissions using the following considerations, which will help you solve any problems that they have identified. At this stage they may also contact Technical Services to discuss any problems that they are not able to overcome.

Failure to address these guidelines when developing and installing your work  may result in the Grad Show Committee to remove your piece from the Exhibition. It is in the best interests of the Emily Carr community that we all work together to create a safe environment for all. Our collective goal is to exercise due diligence towards these important health and safety issues, and to avoid legal and financial consequences for all involved.

General Areas of Concern


1. Does the construction/installation process create any hazards?

2. What can be done to mitigate the hazards?

3. Will construction make use of dangerous/harmful materials?

4. Are you proficient in the use of tools and equipment being utilized in construction/installation?

5. Is all electrical equipment contained within the piece CSA approved?

6. Will your electrical equipment overload any circuits?

7. Are there tripping hazards posed by cables and construction materials?

8. Are you following safety procedures if working at heights?

9. Do you require the mechanical lift? (If yes, indicate request on your Campus Exhibition Application form.)

10. Is the piece structurally sound? (Is there any possibility of it collapsing while being built or when finished?)

11. Does the piece impede any building exit or access points? (for example, doors, fire exits, stairs, elevators, etc.)

12. Does the finished piece create any hazards? Consider that the public viewing your piece will come in all sizes and perspectives.

a. Sharp, jagged edges or corners which may cause injury
b. Movable parts that may strike a person
c. Possibility of contact with live electricity or moving parts
d. Parts that may short circuit, wear out, or be easily broken through

13. Is the piece interactive? If so:

a. Post signs that give clear instructions on how to use the piece.
b. Create safeguards for any possible hazards that may arise from interactivity (for example, guardrails if the piece is raised off the ground, caution signs for pinch hazards)

14.  Is there a possibility that the public misjudge your piece and think it is interactive, when it is not? If so, post signs that clearly indicate “Do Not Touch”.

15. Are there any other dangers that are particular to your piece? Warnings should be posted at the room entrance to such exhibits. For example:

a. Strobes or flashing lights may trigger seizures in people with epilepsy
b. Loud noises that may startle.
c. Sensitive content that may trigger viewers.


Please note that during the Show we will welcome numerous people into our building. People may inadvertently damage pieces by knocking over unstable items and breaking off fragile parts. If your piece might be susceptible to this type of damage, please mention this on your campus exhibit application form and discuss this issue with the Grad Show Committee, with a view to being provided with a location more sheltered from the visitors of the exhibition. Also, although we employ extra security during the Show, we have in the past experienced some thefts from installations. If you are exhibiting anything that is of personal and/or monetary value, please secure it (or reconsider exhibiting it).